Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Senate K-12 budget gives flexibility, pushes reform

Slight edge on dollar amount, but less into basic education; related bills controversial

In the closing days of the first special session for 2013, the Senate considered but rejected the House operating budget and instead passed a version similar to what senators passed in the general session, at least as far as K-12 spending is concerned:  Increased allocation for materials, supplies and operating costs and for student transportation, and then targeted investments to promote student achievement. The Senate also invests in full-day kindergarten in high poverty schools, but at a lower rate than the House proposes.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Testimony: Student Educational Outcomes, SB 5946

Note: This is WSPTA testimony given to the Senate Ways and Means committee on June 10, 2013. This bill is up for consideration by the full Senate. It touches on reading, evidence-based learning supports, teacher mentoring, and professional development. WSPTA spoke primarily to the reading section of the bill.
To: Ways and Means Committee
Re: SB 5946, Student educational outcomes. WSPTA is PRO, with suggestions

Dear Senator Hill and committee members,

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Movement for basic education?

If not now, when: Tell Olympia, yes HB 2051

Special session update:

The budget committees of the Senate and House are hearing (or have recently heard) bills on revenue -- the Senate to cut revenue (SB 5939) and the House to increase revenue (HB 2034).