This morning, the E-Wire woke up rushed thinking that he
needed to be down in Olympia for *enter important legislative hearing*
then realized, session is over. Downtime.
Yeah, right – now the real work begins as legislators take
stock of what happened or did not happen this session and planning begins
in earnest for the big season of 2015. The mounting McCleary deadline for
the Supreme Court is heading down the pike and should make for some interesting
repercussions. It is unclear as of this writing what the court
will do, if anything, in response to the legislative session. Time
will tell, and you will likely read about it here. On to the E-Wire…
The No Child Left Behind Waiver for Washington will be
played out behind the scenes. Look for more info here,
and here.
The legislature struggled
with Medical Marijuana throughout the session. It’s still a difficult topic.
So was getting their hands around the e-cigarette issue.
Although the PTA was largely successful this legislative
session, a lot
of other groups were
not… and the media
Remember this session being about Transportation?
Senator Sharon Nelson gets the award for playing up the
homeless funding bill throughout the close of the session. In the end, it
all worked out. However, some people looked better
than others.
There has been a slow, resounding wave of support
for later start times for High School Students. This is one more example.
The challenge for schools will be the costs of bus service.
And finally, a grassroots attempt to discuss tax exemptions
in Walla Walla by a group of grandmothers.
The E-Wire is
written by PTA Staff and Edited by PTA Legislative Director Sherry Krainick