Friday, November 18, 2016

ESSA Draft Consolidated Plan Outreach

Shape your public education system for years to come by providing feedback on Washington’s ESSA draft Consolidated Plan, through the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Washington State PTA was involved in the draft process, and OSPI wants the viewpoints of their constituents well represented. OSPI was one of hundreds of groups to contribute to the ESSA draft Consolidated Plan, alongside districts, legislators, education organizations, tribal leaders, and higher education institutions.

The draft Consolidated Plan is complete and released for public comment until 11:59 p.m. on December 15th. Read about the plan and provide feedback here.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Social Emotional Benchmarks Report

Washington State PTA has worked on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) as a top legislative priority for several years*. During the 2015-17 biennium, SEL has been a top five priority. In June of 2015, the Legislature provided funding for a workgroup to develop Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks (SELB) for K-12 education based on the foundational work done in early learning. The workgroup began their work in October of 2015 and completed their work in September of 2016 resulting in recommended Washington State Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks. The report to the Legislature is the culmination of the work completed by the Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks Workgroup (SELB), containing background information, research, and recommendations regarding social emotional learning (SEL). Final recommendations consist of a statewide SEL Framework (guiding principles, standards, and benchmarks) for K-12 students, as well as actionable next steps to further develop SEL in Washington. 

We want to thank our PTA members who participated on the workgroup: issue submitter and lead, Sarah Butcher and PTA representative Sherry Krainick. Read the complete report here.

*During the 2016 Legislative Assembly, October 21-22, WSPTA delegates voted Social Emotional Learning as the first issue on the 2016-18 Top Five LegislativePlatform.