a good op-ed from two state representatives that supports WSPTA’s Resolution18.13, which says no single factor should determine a student’s advancement
such as graduation from high school. HB 1046, the bill that has passed the
state House three times by a wide bipartisan margin, would still require the
statewide tests for federal accountability but would remove the link between
passing the assessments and graduation. WSPTA supports the passage of HB 1046
and encourages members to reach out to their senators to encourage a vote on
the bill.
Monday, June 5, 2017
Thursday, March 9, 2017
WSPTA Upcoming Advocacy Events Report
Education (House) - HHR A, JLOB - 3/13 @ 1:30pm
SSB 5241 - Public Hearing - Concerning the educational success of youth who are homeless or in foster care.
Capital Budget (House) - HHR B, JLOB - 3/14 @ 3:30pm
ESSB 5702 - Public Hearing - Improving state funding for school construction, modernization, and asset preservation.
Early Learning & Human Services (House) - HHR C, JLOB - 3/15 @ 1:30pm
2SSB 5107 - Public Hearing - Facilitating local funding and involvement in expanding early childhood education and assistance program eligibility.
Human Services, Mental Health & Housing (Senate) - SHR 2, JACB - 3/15 @ 1:30pm
SHB 1867 - Public Hearing - Improving transitions in extended foster care to increase housing stability for foster youth.
Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) - SHR 1, JACB - 3/16 @ 1:30pm
EHB 1551 - Public Hearing - Creating a competitive equipment assistance grant program to enhance
student nutrition in public schools.
SHB 1618 - Public Hearing - Concerning family and community engagement coordinators.
SSB 5241 - Public Hearing - Concerning the educational success of youth who are homeless or in foster care.
Capital Budget (House) - HHR B, JLOB - 3/14 @ 3:30pm
ESSB 5702 - Public Hearing - Improving state funding for school construction, modernization, and asset preservation.
Early Learning & Human Services (House) - HHR C, JLOB - 3/15 @ 1:30pm
2SSB 5107 - Public Hearing - Facilitating local funding and involvement in expanding early childhood education and assistance program eligibility.
Human Services, Mental Health & Housing (Senate) - SHR 2, JACB - 3/15 @ 1:30pm
SHB 1867 - Public Hearing - Improving transitions in extended foster care to increase housing stability for foster youth.
Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) - SHR 1, JACB - 3/16 @ 1:30pm
EHB 1551 - Public Hearing - Creating a competitive equipment assistance grant program to enhance
student nutrition in public schools.
SHB 1618 - Public Hearing - Concerning family and community engagement coordinators.
Senate Advances Bill to Extend Levy Cliff to 2019
As its last bill of the March 8 cutoff, the Senate Wednesday night passed an amended bill on the "levy cliff" (ESB 5023), with all members voting in favor; with the exception of Republican Senator Michael Baumgartner of West Spokane. The Senate ran their version of the bill so they could change the title to be about excess levies and not the levy cliff.
The striking amendment offered by Senator
Extends current local levy authority
and LEA through January 1, 2019;
Requires that all levies collected
in calendar year 2018, and thereafter, be deposited into a local revenue
sub-fund of the general fund to enable detailed accounting of the amount and
the object of expenditures; and
Requires that any enrichment levies
going to the voters after January 1, 2018 be approved by Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) before being
placed on the ballot. Districts planning to go to the voters with an M&O
enrichment levy would be required to create a detailed report of the
activities to be funded and then submit that report to OSPI for
approval. The bill states that enrichment levies beyond the state-provided
funding in the omnibus appropriations act for the basic education program
components under RCW 28A.150.260 (prototypical schools
funding formula) are a permitted use.
It will be critical that school districts,
parents, and other education advocates explain the gap story in their school
and district, which basically means having a better understanding of what
it actually costs to run that school, serve its students, and attract and
retain professional educators.
Members are encouraged to write House
and Senate members to express their thanks that a levy extension bill
is in play. But messages also should stress that with prohibitions
on the use of local levies for activities deemed basic education, the
state will have to step up in a really big way. Otherwise, areas that are
underfunded now and where local funds are supplementing the most basic of
activities - like transportation, nurses, and special education - will
fall short in the final education funding solution.
Prepared by:
WSPTA Legislative
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Senate Passes Paraeducator Bill Today - Update
In a strong bipartisan vote, the Senate today approved a
comprehensive para-educator development program. SB 5070 passed on a 37-12 vote
and will require standards, professional development, a career ladder, a more
accessible path to teacher certification, and training for teachers who
supervise para-educators. Support for Standards for Para-educators is a Top 5
Priority Platform issue for Washington State PTA, so we’re excited to see the
Senate take this important step forward.
Beth Sigall
VP Family & Community Engagement
Lake Washington PTSA Council
Monday, March 6, 2017
TeleTown Hall Meetings with Your Legislator
Throughout the
session Legislators use a variety of methods to stay connected with
constituents. While some Legislators have already hosted meetings locally
and/or host regular ―TeleTown Hall Meetings, on Saturday, March 11, many
legislative districts will be hosting in-person Town Halls. Check out the House Democratic Caucus and Senate Democratic Caucus web sites for a good list of meetings that will be
happening all over the state next weekend. While the Republican Caucus sites do
not appear to have a compilation of meetings posted, we do know of a few who
are also hosting meetings March 11. The most efficient way for WSPTA
members to find out if your legislators are hosting a Town Hall is to
contact them directly.
Prepared by:
Marie Sullivan
Prepared by:
Marie Sullivan
WSPTA Legislative
Tele-Town Hall
Session Has Passed the Half-Way Point
With most of the action
occurring on the House and Senate floors, lawmakers got down to business,
passing bills this past week in anticipation of the March 8, deadline of 5 p.m.
This is the next cutoff for bills that aren’t deemed “Necessary To Implement
the Budget” (NTIB), and includes most policy bills with no fiscal impact. On
March 9, policy and budget committees will once again start holding public
hearings, but this time on the bills that have passed from one chamber to the
This week continued the
political theater in the Senate, when the Majority Caucus pulled Governor Jay
Inslee’s tax proposals to the floor. Republicans said it was to get a handle on
which revenue proposals Senate Democrats would support to fund K-12 education.
For their part, Senate Democrats dismissed the move as unproductive and
countered with mentioning the upcoming levy cliff nearly every time they spoke.
Behind the scenes, key
legislators from both parties and chambers began meeting to discuss how the
state will go about reducing its reliance on local school levies to meet the
state’s constitutional obligation for ample funding of public schools. A
modified “6195 group” is meeting Mondays and Wednesdays for the next few weeks
to find common ground and a path forward on K-12 funding. The Senate Republican
plan is SB 5607; the House and Senate Democrat plan is ESHB1843.
Here’s a quick reminder of a few of the key elements of each funding proposal - download. Read the updated bill tracker here.
Status of Top 5Legislative
Priorities – Update & Focus for Members this Week
1. Social and Emotional
Focus for members: Continue
to support the staffing as described in HB 1377 and HB 1621; support inclusion
of operating budget provisos for Summer ECEAP and continuation of the SEL
Benchmarks Work Group.
2. Amply Funding Basic Education
Focus for members: Review
2017 positions and share not just the ample funding but ALL of the positions.
They provide a blueprint for many of the activities WSPTA hopes are in the
final education funding plan. Talk with legislators about the need to add NEW
money into the system and why just replacing local levies with state funding
isn’t ample or comprehensive.
3. Closing the Opportunity Gap
Focus for members: Additional
funding for students who struggle, whether in a weighted per pupil model or
categorical program, is needed if we expect different outcomes for our students
who are challenged by an opportunity and achievement gap. To close this gap
requires a more systematic approach to students’ academic and non-academic
needs – the “whole child.”
4. Standards for Para-educators
Focus for members: ESHB 1115
passed the House this week. The bill is disappointing, in that the bill no
longer sets up minimum
certification and specialty endorsements for para-educators working in ELL and
Special Education. While the bill does include training, which we welcome, our
aim is that the final, negotiated bill reflect our priority platform position
as much as possible.
SB 5070, the Senate bill, is
still waiting to be voted out of the Senate. The entire bill, however, was also
inserted into the Senate Republican’s education funding bill – SB 5607.
5. Breakfast after the Bell
Focus for members: By a
bipartisan vote of 90-8, ESHB 1508 passed the House. Let your Senators know
that WSPTA fully supports this legislation and wants it to pass this session. Also,
look at the Housevote count, and send a note to House members who voted in favor of this
WSPTA Supported Issues:
Improving Educational
Outcomes for Foster Children
SSB 5241 passed the Senate
and in the House Education Committee.
Engaging Families in Student
Focus for members: SHB 1618
is the bill that would define Family & Community Engagement Coordinators,
and ensure that funding allocated for them could only be used for this staffing.
The bill is in House Rules, so please contact your House members and ask them
to bring the bill to the floor for a vote.
Education Access and Affordability
Focus for members: Two bills
are on the House floor calendar, which means they are ready for a vote. Please
contact House members and ask them to vote on HB 1452 (expansion of the
opportunity scholarship) and HB 1512 (expansion of College Bound Scholarship
eligibility) before the March 8 cutoff.
Removing Barriers to
Implementing ECEAP
Focus for members: Expansion
of ECEAP, and the Summer ECEAP program will be handled in the operating budget.
But it isn’t too early to let your House and Senate members know about the
importance of early learning education and the need to increase slots to
provide access to more preschoolers.
Restorative Justice and
School Safety
It would appear that SSB
5155, which would limit the number of days students in grades K-2 could be
suspended or expelled, may not move. OSPI is drafting rules to implement
discipline policies adopted in the 2016 session under HB 1541 (see Closing the
Opportunity Gap position), and concern has been raised about the impact new
discipline laws would have on rule-making and implementation of discipline
rules, and related model policies and procedures for school districts.
Week in Review
Action this week was on the
floor, so WSPTA advocated with legislators on the 2017 platform and priorities.
The Week Ahead
Action continues on the
floor, but returns to committee work on March 9th. Next cutoff is
March 29th.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Breakfast After the Bell passes House 90-8

Speaking in favor of the legislation were sponsor Representative Monica
Stonier, D-49; Representative Paul Harris, R-17; and Representative Norm Johnson, R-14.
WSPTA parents Heather Lindberg, Michael Steffan, and Corina Pfeil
each testified in support of this Top 5 priority, as it was being
deliberated in the House.
The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Fiscal Cutoff Spells End for Many Bills
Fiscal committees worked overtime this past
week, with the House meeting into early
evening Friday the 24th to
act on policy bills that had some impact on the state budget. Typically bills
that are linked to the operating or capital budget aren’t subject to the
deadlines, but nothing is officially off the table until the gavel falls April
23rd. Policy bills that failed to pass their respective fiscal
committees may see life in the operating or capital budgets as provisos or return
as “trailing bills.”
The session is nearing the half-way mark of
the 105-day session, and the focus shifts over the next two weeks to floor
action. Bills must pass by 5 p.m. on March 8 from the chamber where they
started to remain under consideration. The biggest exception would be budget
bills. Speaking of which, an economic review will occur March 2, with the
Economic and Revenue Forecast Council meeting at 10 a.m. on March 16 to get the
most current report on projected revenue for fiscal year 2017, and the 2017-19
of Top Five Legislative Priorities - Update
and Emotional Learning
three bills, HB 1377, HB 1518, and HB 1621 died in House Appropriations. Two of
the bills (HB 1377 and HB 1621) are somewhat linked to the House Democrats’
education funding bill – ESHB 1843 – so may be resurrected soon. Elements of HB
1518, which included an extension of the SEL benchmarks work group and a summer
ECEAP pilot project, may be inserted into the House operating budget as
provisos. Members talking with their legislators should share this request.
Funding Basic Education
1843, the House Democrat education funding plan, was sent to the Senate on a
party-line vote of 50-48. It is expected that negotiations on the two major
plans (HB 1843 and SB 5607) will begin in earnest. New
district-by-district fiscal impact charts have been released by Senate
Monday, February 27, at 10 a.m., the Senate Ways & Means Committee will
hear public testimony on a substitute
of Senator Mark Mullet’s education funding plan, SB 5825.
the Opportunity Gap
A bill
that would increase funding for LAP, HB 1511, and two bills (HB 2075 and SB
5758) that would have added $400 per student for various academic-focused
activities both failed to pass their respective fiscal committees. Like the SEL
bills above, it is possible elements of these bills will show up in the
education funding solution.
for Para-educators
1115 and SB 5070 were passed from their fiscal committees and are in the Rules
Committee. The Rules Committee is the stopping point before bills are referred
to the floor for action.
after the Bell
· Even
as amended, SSB 5696 failed to pass the Senate Ways & Means Committee.
1508 passed out of House Appropriations and is in the Rules Committee.
2017 WSPTA Supported Issues:
Educational Outcomes for Foster Children
5241 is in the Senate Rules committee.
Families in Student Success
1618 is in House Rules.
Education Access and Affordability
of the access and affordability bills died last Friday. These include: HB 1425
(next generation education savings account); HB 1840 (Washington promise
program); and HB 1847 (state goal of 50/50 cost-share for state/attendee
tuition and fees);
that are still in play include: HB 1452 (expansion of the opportunity scholarship)
and HB 1512 (expansion of College Bound Scholarship eligibility).
Barriers to Implementing ECEAP
bills to create a grant and loan program to increase the number of early
learning facilities are both still under consideration. The bills are HB 1777
and SB 5753.
Justice and School Safety
5155, focused on limiting the number of days students in grades K-2 could be
suspended or expelled is eligible for floor action.
in Review
Northshore parent Corina Pfeil testified
for the first time before the House Appropriations Committee in support of HB
1508, the breakfast after the bell bill. She did a lot of research to prepare
for the meeting, and represented WSPTA very well.
Senate Republicans
announced revised materials and district-by-district analyses of their
proposal, SB 5607. Follow the link here to read the various documents.
Week Ahead
February 27
10 a.m., Senate Ways & Means, SHR 4
Tuesday, February 28
8 a.m., House Education – HHR A - tentative
Session on teacher shortage
Prepared by
Marie Sullivan
WSPTA Legislative Consultant
Thursday, February 23, 2017
National PTA Disappointed with Administration’s Rescission of Guidance to Protect Transgender Students
ALEXANDRIA, Va., (Feb. 22, 2017)—The following statement can be
attributed to National PTA President Laura Bay:
“Today, the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice sent a letter
to the nation’s schools rescinding guidance released in May 2016 on their
obligations under Title
IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) regarding a student’s
gender identity. The guidance had stated that a
school must not treat a transgender student differently from the way it treats
other students of the same gender identity under the law.
“National PTA is extremely
disappointed that the Administration has rescinded the guidance. Every
child deserves to receive a great education in a setting free from discrimination,
harassment and violence. The vast majority
of LGBTQ students, however, are bullied, physically assaulted and feel unsafe
in school because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or identity. There
is a need for explicit protection of LGBTQ youth as it is critical to their
overall health and well-being and long-term success.
“National PTA and its constituent
associations are committed to advocating for policies and protections for LGBTQ
youth to make sure they have positive school experiences and the opportunity to
reach their full potential. National PTA adopted a resolution in 2016 on the Recognition
of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ)
Individuals as a Protected Class. The resolution calls for federal
policies that specifically protect LGBTQ youth and local practices that create
and maintain safe, affirming and inclusive learning environments for all
“It has long been a top priority of
National PTA to make sure all children have a safe, supportive and positive
environment in which to thrive and learn. The association remains dedicated to supporting transgender
students—as it is every student—and will push for policies and practices to
ensure that federal, state and local entities protect all children.”
National PTA
PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers,
administrators and business and community leaders devoted to the educational
success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. PTA is a
registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a
powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and
communities and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is
open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the
education, health and welfare of children and youth.
Laura Bay,
National PTA
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Breakfast After the Bell Parent Testimony
![]() |
Corina Pfeil, middle, testifies |
This was Corina's first time testifying and she was a great
advocate for our students. She volunteered several weeks ago to testify on this
issue, and we took her up on that offer this week. If you'd like to represent
WSPTA on legislation that is being considered by the legislature, please contact Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant or Duncan Taylor, WSPTA Legislative Director.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
New Ed Funding Plan Released, Bills Pass Friday Cutoff
There is certainly no lack of
education funding plans this year, as three Senate Democrats brought a little
love to the topic on February 14, bringing the total of publicly
available proposals to a total of four: Governor Inslee’s; Senate Republicans;
House Democrats; and now the subgroup of Senate Democrats. House Republicans
have signaled that they have their own separate education funding plan, but
elements haven’t been shared formally with the public.
SB 5825 would make permanent
a district’s current maintenance & operations (M&O) levy percentage on January 1, 2018, and allow
school districts to assess a local enrichment levy of up to $1,000 per student
for activities and salaries beyond basic education. To help property-poor
districts, the legislation would double the amount of levy equalization (LEA) a
district receives, and would put in place a minimum per student allocation of
$11,500. In other words, if the allocation that included the new permanent
levy, LEA, and a uniform enhancement for students in learning assistance programs (LAP), Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program (TBIP), Special
Education and Highly Capable programs didn’t reach that threshold, the state
would make up the difference.
“No district will get less
funding than it is receiving in the current school year,” said Senate sponsor
Mark Mullet, D-Issaquah. Mullet said an amendment he’s considering would
include an inflationary factor for the $11,500 per student allocation.
Other elements of the
proposal include a minimum salary of $45,000; new requirements for accounting
and reporting; and a link to different bills that would seek a constitutional
change to allow bonds to pass with a simple majority. The extra LEA would be
funded through an expanded collection of internet sales taxes. Under current
rules, only Internet businesses with a nexus (i.e., physical presence) to
Washington state are required to collect and remit sales tax to the state.
In other news last week,
Friday served as the deadline for bills to be passed out of respective policy
committees. February 24 marks the next cutoff, for most bills that
have a fiscal impact to the state to be passed out of their budget committee.
Typically bills that are labeled “necessary to implement the budget” or NTIB,
are exempt from the legislative-imposed deadlines.
Status of Top Five Legislative Priorities - Update
and Emotional Learning
1377 would require, at the beginning of the 2018-19 school year, school
districts with more than 2,000 students to provide a minimum of six hours of
professional collaboration time per year for school counselors, social workers
and psychologists that focuses on recognizing signs of emotional and behavioral
1518, among other features, would direct OSPI to convene a work group to build
upon the SEL benchmarks developed in 2016, and establish a competitive grant
program to increase the number of summer learning programs that combine
academics and SEL.
1621 was heard in the House Appropriations Committee last week. The bill would
provide an enhancement in the prototypical funding formula for staff positions
related to SEL, including family and community engagement, school nurses,
social workers, psychologists, and guidance counselors.
Funding Basic Education
1843, the House Democrat education funding plan is in the queue for a floor
5825 is described above. Senator Mullet believes it will get a hearing in the
the Opportunity Gap
1511 would make changes to the Learning Assistance Program, including
increasing the hours; removing the requirement to focus LAP on 3rd
grade literacy; and add funding to schools with high concentrations of ELL,
homeless and foster youth student populations.
2075 and SB 5758 would provide a minimum of $400 per student for one of four
activities: 1. CTE in middle or high school; 2. Enhanced dual credit
opportunities in high school; 3. Dropout prevention strategies; and 4. AVID
strategies and classrooms. Both bills passed out of their respective education
committees and were sent to the budget committees.
for Para-educators
1115 will be heard by House Appropriations February 20th.
5070 had a public hearing in the Senate Ways & Means committee last week.
after the Bell
5696 was amended in the Senate education committee and passed to the Rules
Committee. The amendments removed the mandate for high-poverty schools to
provide breakfast after the bell, and instead require that if all children are
given the opportunity to eat after the bell, that the time would count as
instructional time.
1508 was modified slightly in House education and has been passed to the House
Appropriations committee.
2017 WSPTA Supported Issues:
Educational Outcomes for Foster Children
1511 (above)
5241 would require school districts to consolidate partial credits, unresolved
or incomplete coursework, and provide other opportunities for credit accrual to
eliminate barriers to foster youth and homeless student success. The bill is in
the Senate Rules committee.
Families in Student Success
1843 specifically increases to 1.085 the family engagement coordinator per
prototypical elementary school.
1618 would specify the minimum duties and responsibilities for a family and
community engagement coordinator, and would stipulate that state funding
allocated to support family and community engagement coordinators must be used
for that purpose. The bill is in House Rules.
Education Access and Affordability
1425 would establish the Washington Next Generation Educational Savings Account
Pilot Program (like a 529 savings account). The bill also would require the
Washington Student Achievement Council to administer the pilot program, and to
deposit an initial grant of $25 and an incentive grant of $50 when the account
beneficiary achieved certain milestones.
1452 would create a new scholarship opportunity for students pursuing
professional technical degrees or professional technical certificates at
community colleges. The companion is SB 5361.
1512 would expand a student’s eligibility to the 7th and 8th
grade, and the 9th and 10th grade if they were previously
ineligible, and expand income eligibility for the College Bound Scholarship
award to 125 percent of the state’s median family income. The bill also would
provide students with family incomes between 65 percent and 125 percent of
median family income a scholarship equal to tuition and fees for two years at a
community and technical college.
1840 would create the Washington Promise Program, which would provide free
tuition and fees to students who meet certain eligibility requirements to
attend a community and technical college. The bill would use a four-step
phase-in approach, and would set up a free 13th year.
1847 would set a goal of increasing the state’s share of support to 50 percent
for four-year institutions.
the higher education bills have been sent to their respective budget
Barriers to Implementing ECEAP
1518 would direct the Department of Early Learning to fund up to 600 slots to school
districts to offer a summer-only ECEAP program for children entering
kindergarten the upcoming year.
1777 would create a new loan and grant program for preschool facilities. The
bill was heard in the House Capital Budget committee last week and is scheduled
for a vote this week. It’s Senate companion, SB 5753, had a hearing in Senate
Ways & Means last week.
5484 would create an Early Learning Facilities grant and loan program. The bill
differs from the preschool facilities bills listed above, but there is an
effort to combine them into one bill.
Justice and School Safety
5155 would prohibit suspensions and expulsions of students in grades K-2 to no longer
than the remainder of the day and one full day.
Week in Review
Speaking on behalf of WSPTA,
parent Sarah Butcher testified in favor of HB 1518 and HB 1618 in the House
Education Committee. Also representing WSPTA, parent Heather Lindberg testified
in favor of the proposed substitute for SB 5696 (breakfast after the bell). WSPTA
signed in a support on SB 5070 (para-educators), HB 1621 (social emotional
learning staff support), and HB 1564 (pesticide use).
Bills related to a
constitutional amendment to change to a simple majority for bond measures
failed to pass out of their respective policy committees this week. While
nothing is ever dead until the session ends, it is unlikely these bills will
move forward this session.
The Week Ahead
February 20
Appropriations (House) - HHR A, JLOB - 2/20
@ 1:30pm
1115 - Public Hearing - Concerning para-educators.
1282 - Public Hearing - Concerning career and technical education funding.
Ways & Means (Senate) - SHR 4, JACB -
2/20 @ 1:30pm
5183 - Public Hearing - Concerning career and technical education funding.
Tuesday, February 21
Appropriations (House) - HHR A, JLOB - 2/21
@ 1:30pm
1115 - Exec Session - Concerning para-educators.
1046 - Exec Session - Concerning certificates of academic and individual
February 22
Capital Budget (House) - HHR B, JLOB - 2/22
@ 8:00am
1777 - Exec Session - Concerning the financing of early learning facilities.
Appropriations (House) - HHR A, JLOB - 2/22
@ 1:30pm
1452 - Public Hearing - Concerning the opportunity scholarship program.
1508 - Public Hearing - Promoting student health and readiness through meal and
nutrition programs.
1116 - Exec Session - Implementing family and medical leave insurance.
Prepared by
Marie Sullivan
WSPTA Legislative Consultant
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